By Chikara Washington
Staff Reporter
Students can borrow laptops for free at City Colleges of Chicago.
Free Windows laptops can be borrowed by credit-taking students for up to 4 weeks, according to City Colleges of Chicago.
The program is called Laptop Loaner Program and was founded by Smart Chicago and partnered with the City of Chicago, the John D. and Catherine T. MacAuthur Foundation and The Chicago Community Trust.
Smart Chicago is a civic organization devoted to improving lives in Chicago through technology, according to their website.
"It is a very popular program among students who come in on a daily basis asking to borrow a laptop," said IT Director Ewa Bejnarowicz.
To borrow a laptop, students must be enrolled in an active program of six or more credits, have no prior violations, and must have been enrolled at CCC in the previous term, according to City College's website.
"This program has been at Harold Washington for three or four years and it is being reviewed right now so that it can benefit all students," said Bejnarowicz.
Business and architecture students have to meet the same requirements as other students but will be able to keep the laptops for the whole semester instead of four weeks.
Additional information can be obtained from Ewa Bejnarowicz in Room 403.