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Clubs at HWC: "Pretty Cool Stuff"

Clubs at HWC: "Pretty Cool Stuff"

By Matt Ramsey
Staff Writer

Harold Washington College clubs and organizations are a great way to meet new and like-minded people in the college community while enhancing your college experience. 

With over a hundred clubs, groups, and organizations across all City Colleges Of Chicago campuses, HWC students are sure to find the right fit for their interests. 

“Student groups offer students the opportunity to plan and implement events, explore new topics and ideas, learn new skills, enjoy quality entertainment both on and off-campus, and much more,”  according to the HWC Clubs webpage. “By participating in student groups, students can build leaderships skills, learn, get involved and interact with other students and faculty... and have lots of fun!”

Currently, HWC offers a wide array of clubs, groups, and organizations, including Architecture Club, Black Student Union, Organization of Latinx American Students (OLAS), Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), Pride Alliance, STEM Club (Science Technology Engineer Mathematics), Student Government Association (SGA), and the Veteran Student Association.

“I've considered joining a club. I get a lot of emails from different groups and clubs, and it seems like they are doing some pretty cool stuff,” Jeff Sanders, a CCC student, said. “I haven't actually been to any meetings though mostly because of my school and work schedule.”

Many of the clubs at HWC and across the city are still meeting virtually, which is an excellent way for students to check out clubs that pique their interest across all City Colleges Of Chicago without the hassle of traveling to a specific club's home campus. 

HWC also provides students with excellent source material for starting their own special club, group, or organization. The Student Government Association’s club operation manual provides all the information needed from starting and managing your club to event planning and fund management. 

Whether starting your own club or joining one of the many already available, clubs are an excellent resource that offers students the opportunity to enrich their college experience and make new friends along the way. 

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